Nama    : Annisa Faizaturrohamh
Kelas     : 1B
NIM       : 14.067

                                                                A visit to the beach menganti Kebumen

                On 10 january 2015 presicely on Saturday, i was invited by diki play. I was invited to play or go to the beach menganti, kebumen. But go to unisex my friends are, santi, khamirullah, panji and gusti. we were there with a calm and happy heart. we left home at 11:30 on a motorbike. middle of the road, we stopped at a gas station for a short break and prayers. and finally also we continue the journey. Every trip I always contrived to laugh by Diki.
straight path, climb, and meanders by us were still impassable. not always contrived laugh when excited by Diki. Indeed the happiness that I feel.
            Without realizing we had finally reached the beach Menganti., kebumen at 12.30. After completion at the beach we rbreezy winds add to the cool atmosphere of the beach. We kidding laugh at will. Appreciate the beauty of nature which are given by Allah SWT. Natural beauty is so beautiful and attractive.
            After the break we were heading down to the photographs. We choose a suitable place and great for pictures. Here we took a picture of this place. happy heart no measure. Really a place that is rich in beauty. we were grateful to have been given the beauty of the beach menganti. Day was getting late, and finally we get ready to go to the next place that is home to visit his uncle. after the home uncle, our ablutions for Asr prayer.
            After that, then we say goodbye to home. Every trip was I always contrived to laugh by Diki. And finally was, we arrived home. I am very happy because it has been invited to play. it was an experience that I'll never forget. diki thanks! thank you brother sister! already makes me happy on that day. Thank you for everything. I'll keep it all in my memory.
annisa faizaturrohmah <>

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