You may have to make assumptions when you listen to the TOEIC test. These assumptions will be based on what you can infer in the picture. You will lave to determine which of the four statements you hear is true or might be true. One statement (answer choice) will be true or will most likely be true. That choice will be the correct answer.
This is laboratory The people are wearing protective clothing.
This is laboratory The people are wearing protective clothing.
There are bottles on the shelves There are at least four people in the lab.
2. 2. PEOPLE
You may have to identify the people in a picture. You may identify them by number,
gender, location, description, activity, or occupation.
Remember, statements must be completely true. Be careful about statements that are partly true, but not totally true. Analyze the picture carefully. Pay attention to the number, gender, or occupation of the people in the picture.
You may have to identify things in pictures. When you look at a picture, try to name everything you see. On the TOEIC, you will NOT have to know words, expressions, or idioms that are specific to one particular occupation. For example, in a picture of a man working in a plastics factory, you should know the general word machine. You do not have to know the occupation-specific term extruder.
You may have to identify the actions in a picture. When you look at a picture, analyze the time sequence of the actions. This will help you understand what is happening now.
You may have to identify the general location of a picture. When you look at a picture, analyze the clue to determine a location. If you see a car, a mechanic, some tools, and a customer in a picture, you can assume the location is an automobile repair shop. If you see men and women working at desks with computers, you can assume the location is an office. A picture is full of clues to help you identify the general location.
You may have to identify the specific locations of people and things in a picture. When you look at a picture, analyze the relationship of the people and things.
Prepositions and Phrases of Location
above, across, around, at, below, beneath, beside, between, by, close, to, far, from
,in, in back of, in front of, inside, near, next to, on, on top of, outside, over, to the left of, to the right of, under, underneath
,in, in back of, in front of, inside, near, next to, on, on top of, outside, over, to the left of, to the right of, under, underneath
Strategy for Analyzing Pictures
- When you look at a picture, analyze the people. Determine their number, gender, location, and occupation.
- Look for context clues in the picture.
- Listen for the meaning of the whole sentence to determine which choice best matches the picture.
On the TOEIC, you may have to distinguish between words similar sounds. When you hear the answer choices, pay attention to the meaning!. There will be context clues that help you understand the meaning. Do not be confused by words with similar sounds.
Here are examples of similar sounds:
Here are examples of similar sounds:
Different Vowel Sounds
bass;base, boots;boats, bus;boss, car;core, cart;court, drug;drag, deep;dip, fall;full, fun;phone, gun;gone, grass;grease, letter;later
Different Initial Consonant Sounds
back;pack;rack, core;tore;sore, race;case;place, hair;fair;tear
Different Final Consonant Sounds
cab;cap, little;litter, nab;nap, think;thing
Two or More Words That Sound Like One Word
mark it;market, sent her;center, letter;let her, I scream;ice cream
Words That Have Sounds That Are Part of a Longer Word
nation;imagination, mind;remind, give;forgive, intention;unintentional
On the TOEIC, you may have to distinguish between related words. When you hear the answer choices, pay attention to the meaning!. Be careful of words from the same word family or words with associated meanings.
Sometimes there related words may not be written down or spoken. They may be suggested by the picture. For example, a picture of someone putting on snow skis may make you think of the related word mountain, even if a mountain is not in the picture.
The photo provides the context for the meaning of a word. Make sure the meaning of the word in the photo matches the meaning of the word in the statement, question, and answer choices. Answer options that contain related words are generally incorrect. Do not be confused by related words.
Taken from How To Prepare for the TOECT Test
The photo provides the context for the meaning of a word. Make sure the meaning of the word in the photo matches the meaning of the word in the statement, question, and answer choices. Answer options that contain related words are generally incorrect. Do not be confused by related words.
Taken from How To Prepare for the TOECT Test
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