Selasa, 27 Desember 2016


9 komentar:

    Leader : Ika Gustin Hidayati (16.02.00064)
    Member :
     Elita Nurul Khotimah (16.02.00063)
     Intan Nur Muammalah (16.02.00065)

    Apotek Bunda Elita
    I, Elita and Intan met in Intan’s house last month. We were talking about plane of future. The plane is build the bigest apotek in Indonesia. We agreed to cooperation. Intan have task to observe place in Java, Elita is a main financies, and I’m a main leader. We were doing some steps after we met one month ago :
    1. Observasion place
    2. Observasion of goods to be sold
    3. Observasion market
    4. Finance
    5. Promotion
    6. The opening of business
    We were doing all steps together. Our apotek will legitimate three months later. First, we will hire place for two years and then we will build our building.
    We met again to talking about our apotek yesterday. Our apotek name is “Apotek Bunda Elita”. We also talking about the goods will we sell in our apotek. We agreed to sell product from Kimia Farma Company, Indofarma Company, and some big drug factory in Indonesia. We need Rp,- as beginnig financial. We need 100 employees D3 Pharmacy and S1 Pharmacy, we also need 50 pharmacist. We will held a seminar for promotion and advertisement in print media and electronic media.
    We will build our apotek near Hospital Bunda Elita. We already to cooperate with Hospital Bunda Elita, because the owner of hospital is our friend as a main financies. Beside that, we also cooperate with some hospital in Asia and Europe.
    The opening of our apotek will be held in empty building beside Hospital Bunda Elita on December 31th, 2016. We will use the empty building for two years later, and third years we will build our building in opposite Hospital Bunda Elita. We will held free healty checks and assisted by profesional doctor from Hospital Bunda Elita.
    Today is a grand opening of our apotek. We have been promoting our apotek from November ago. We are open from 06.00 until 22.00. We held free healty checks. Checks may be done for 13 years and over.
    06.00 – 10.00 Blood sugar checks
    10.00 – 14.00 Gout checks
    14.00 – 18.00 Cholesterol ckecks
    18.00 – 22.00 Rheumatism checks
    We give vitamin for our customer. Each five vitamin for one customer. Many people come to Apotek Bunda Elita. We are very happy.


    One day, our class of Senior High School held a reunion in Intan’s house
    Intan : “Hello Elita, how are you ?”
    Elita : “Hello Intan, I’m fine. Long time no see, I miss you.”
    Intan : “Yes of course, I miss you too.”
    Ika : “Hello guys, how are you ? I think that seven years we are not meet up again. I miss you so much”
    Elita : “Guys, listen to me. What if we make the bigest apotek in Indonesia ?”
    Ika : “Wahh.. that’s a good idea.”
    Intan : “OK. Let’s do it.”
    Elita : “ What we need to build an apotek ?”
    Ika : “I think we need place, goods to be sell and main finance.”
    Intan : “Let me take observasion to place.”
    Elita : “I will provide the main finance.”
    Ika : “OK. I will observasion the goods to be sell.

    Three months later, we are meeting again
    Intan : “I have observasion of the place. Beside Hospital Bunda Elita there was an empty building. We can rent it for two years. And for the third years, we will buid our building opposite Hospital Bunda Elita.”
    Elita : “Oh yes, that’s a good idea.”
    Ika : “ What if the name of our apotek is Apotek Bunda Elita ? Because our apotek near Hospital Bunda Elita. Beside thet, our friend, Elita, is an owner of Hospital Bunda Elita.”
    Intan : “Yes, I’m very agree.”
    Elita : “I think that we need main modals plus minus Rp,-”
    Ika : “I have observasion of goods to be sell. We will sell some product from Kimia Farma Company, Indofarma Company, and some drug factory in Indonesia.”
    Elita : “We will cooperation with my hospital and some hospital in Asia and Europe.”
    Intan : “I think we need 100 employes D3 Pharmacy and S1 Pharmacy. Wealso need 50 Pharmacist.”
    Ika : “For the promotion of our apotek, we will advertised by print media and electronic media. And then, what if we also held a health seminar for our promotion ?”
    Elita : “Yes, that’s a good idea.”
    Intan : “And then, how to opening of our apotek ?”
    Elita : “What if we held a free healty checks for people ?”
    Ika : “Yes, that’s good idea. We can held free checks for bood sugar, gout, cholesterol, and rheumatism.”
    Intan : “When our apotek will opening ?”
    Elita : “What if 31 December 2016 at 6 o’clock until 22 o’clock ?”
    Ika : “Yes, I think that will be crowded, because the same with new year.”
    Intan : “OK. After opening our apotek, we will be held a party in my hotel.”

    The day opening...
    Elita : “I’m very happy because many people who come to our apotek.”
    Ika : “Don’t forget to give vitamin to customers.”
    Intan : “Yes, don’t forget give five viramins for one customers.”

  3. One month ago in the hall campus Paguwarmas Maos.
    Tifa: "Hi .. This afternoon there is an event you don’t? I want to say something to you. "
    Laras: "It seems that this afternoon we have time."
    Lina: "Why don’t you guys to my house this afternoon?"
    Laras: "Okay. I agree."

    Afternoons at lina’s home.
    Tifa: "I have a plan. Why don’t we cooperate to create the largest pharmacy in Indonesia? "
    Laras: "It was a good plan. I agree with your plans. Lin What do you think? Ohh ya Lina, what the name of the pharmacy? "
    Lina: "Yes I strongly agree. What if this pharmacy was name One Apotek"
    Tifa: "Yes, I agree. Then I want to share the work for you. Laras, you were assigned to observation point. And Lina as major investors. While I as the leader of the main "
    Laras: "Well I'll be looking for a strategic place for our pharmacy"
    Lina: "Okay I agree. What if we put up a building?"
    Tifa: "All right. I also have been cooperating with PBF Kimia Farma will distribute the drug to pharmacies us "
    Laras: "I will make the selection for the employees who will work in our pharmacies. Then, I will choose the best pharmacists to work in our pharmacies "
    Three months later.
    Lina :”How many invitation were made at this event?”
    Laras :”Five hundred pieces invitation we spread.”
    Lina :”Who invited?”
    Tifa :”We inviting doctors, bussiness man, officials and investors”
    Laras :”When this event is held?”
    Tifa :”At 11 January 2017”
    Lina :”After the completion of this event is to be held next event?”
    Tifa :”We held a blood sugars checks, colesterol checks, blood pressure checks for free for a week”
    Lina :”Other than that?”
    Laras :”We give discounts up to 50% for all item.”

  4. One month ago, Sandra, Reta and Ratri gathered at his home Ratri.
    Sandra : “ Hai. ”
    Reta and Ratri : “ Hello. ”
    Sandra : “ How are you, Rat? ”
    Ratri : “ I’m fine, and you? ”
    Sandra : “ I’m fine too. How about you, Ret? ”
    Reta : “ I’m fine. ”
    Sandra : “ I have an idea. ”
    Reta : “ What idea do you have? ”
    Sandra : “ I will make the biggest drugstore in Indonesia. ”
    Ratri : “ Wow, very good idea. But. What you’re alreade thinking about step to
    make drugstore. ”
    Sandra : “ I will thinking about it. But, I will to cooperate with you. ”
    Reta : “ Yes, I agree. ”
    Ratri : “ Yes, me too. ”
    Sandra : “ Now, I will assign Reta to observation place in Java and Ratri as the main
    financier. ”
    Ratri : “ And you as leader of the main. ”
    Reta : “ Okey. ”
    One month later, we meet again for continue steps make the biggest drugstore.
    Sandra : “ How about your task. ”
    Reta : “ I have completed. ”
    Ratri : “ Me too, I have rented a place to two years. ”
    Sandra : “ I will ask the licensing letter. ”
    Reta : “ And I will looking for a pharmacy, pharmacy assistant and cashier. ”
    Ratri : “ I have idea for name drugstore is “RERASA APOTEK”. ”
    After, three month we will launching drugstore.
    Ratri : “ How about preparation for launching drugstore? ”
    Reta : “ All ready. ”
    Sandra : “ Launching heelld 1st of January, 2017. ”
    After one week we will do promotion.
    Ratri : “ We will promoted by providing brochure, make a poster and in sosial
    media. ”
    Sandra : “ Okey. ”

  5. ophium group
    1. Malinda Nur A
    2. Lisa kurnia
    3. Maria ulfa
    Bergas Waras Apotic is our future
    One month ago, I am and two my friends they are Lisa kurnia and Maria ulfa ghatered in Lisa’s home. We talked about future. We planed to bulid bigest apotic in Indonesia. It is will be named Bergas Waras Apotic . We agreed to cooperate. Lisa duty to observation place in west Java. Maria ulfa duty to promotion and I was given the task as the main leader. After met in one month ago, we move to performs steps, as follows :
    1. Obsevartion place
    2. Observation items
    3. Market observation
    4. Care licensing
    5. Care finance
    6. Promotion
    7. Launching
    In our marketing program we using CRM method. CRM is customer relationship method. The method is how to provide service to customers,. Customers are our sales target. Customers satisfaction are key to make our apotic succes. Customers service are become very important to make apotic succes, because we sell product to them, if they are get satisfaction they will trust to our apotic and most likely, they will come back to buy more medicine. It is so great idea to increase our sales. CRM methods is diferent with direct marketing. Direct marketing is sell product in bulk to customer on a homogeneus market or segmentation. But in CRM method with approach to build portfolio through business relation with customer, networking, and increase cominication to build foster customer loyalty. CRM is prioritize collaboration between customer and companies.

  6. ophium group
    Englilsh Task (dialogue)
    Malinda : Hi ulfa,hi lisa ?
    Are you wait me for a long time ?
    Maria Ulfa : No, I am.
    I just a minutes in here.
    Malinda : oh.. sure ?
    Alhamdulillah I am not maked you wait me. Hai lisa what are you writing ?
    Lisa kurnia : oh, I am writing some scedule in a week.
    Maria ulfa : Hi friends how about our planning who we are talked last night in whatsup ?
    Malinda : Yes, it is great idea
    I am very interested for it.
    Lisa kurnia : lets talking about it now. We must make a planning.
    Ulfa : of course, we start from the name of our apotic, I am having idea we give name Bergas Waras Apotic.
    Malinda : Great I am agree.
    Lisa : I am agree too.
    Malinda : then we are must to sharing task. Lisa in observation place, ulfa in promotion section and I am searching investor and calling physicians and hospitals to cooperate. We had to work fast.
    Ulfa : How about our method in marketing ?
    Malinda : What do you think abaout CRM method, I am thingking it is very good method. We are must giving the best service to make people trust to our apotic. So our apotic will become famous.
    Lisa : I am agree both of you.
    Malinda : and to our financial we have to collect our money. The sourcecoming I will searching investor to help our financial.
    After we are getting a deal, we go home and agreed to gather again in Lisa’s home. Three days again...
    Ulfa : Hi Malinda, how are you ?
    I am in Lisa’s home.
    Malinda : Okey.. I will there in just a minutes.
    Hi how are you Lisa and Ulfa ?
    Lisa : Yes I am fine.

  7. lanjutan english task dialoge
    ophium group
    Ulfa : yeah... I am fine too.
    Malinda : How about your work result ?
    Ulfa : Yes I want to tell about it.
    I am promoting in social media in facebook, web, television, and radio. The result is marvelous.
    Many people interested.
    Lisa : I am observation place in Cilacap city.
    I am getting strategic place to renting, it is near city center of Cilacap and not too
    expensive.only 10 milion rupiah every years.
    Malinda : Wow so great news.
    I bring good news too. A few days ago, I met dr. Yanri tanti in HIV/aids seminar.
    And I tell about our planning. She is so interesting, she is giving some financial tou build our apotic. I have three hospitals who want to cooperate with us.
    Ulfa : it is good news. We must working fast, I am calling pharmaceutical wholesellers from Jakarta and Surabaya.
    Malinda : Finally is licensing, I am calling Health Goverment Office district Cilacap and I have met aseries of requirements. We are getting licensing to build Bergas Waras Apotic.
    Grand opening is held on 29 December 2016. It is attending by Chairman of Health Goverment Office district Cilacap, Chairman of IAI Central Java, Friends of pharmacist and publik wide.
    Lisa : How about prepare of grand opening our aotic ?
    Malinda : It is clear.
    We are waiting some guest who do not come yet.
    Ulfa : Hi look at there!
    They is coming, let’s begin the event!
    Malinda :... Ladies and gentleman thanks for coming, the first time is speech from Chairman of Health Goverment Office distrisct Cilacap, seconnd speech is from Chairman of IAI Central Java.
    After that is cutting ribbon event as symbol to open Bergas Waras Apotic. A few minutes later....
    Ulfa : Alhamdulillah grand opening our apotic is run well.
    Lisa : Alhamdulillah..
    Malinda : Fighgting! We have to hard working to make our planning run well.

    one month ago me and two of my friends saskia baby valentine and chamidah siti siti chamidah gathered in the house to discuss the future that makes the largest pharmacy in Indonesia and we named "PAGUWARMAS". We agreed to work together Saskia assigned to observation in eastern Java and sale .Siti chamidah assigned to record capital budget expenditures and revenues, and I sebegai chairman
    and these steps for the achievement of pharmacies paguwarmas
    1 observation
    2 capital
    3 promotions
    4 budget
    5 creating buildings
    after making the move we made the steps of the building five months later with a sufficient budget to buildings, namely the price of Rp. 70 million and was completed in December. After building so we cooperate with PT.Pharos. CHEMICAL FARMA and other pharmaceutical industry for drug supplies, the promotion did not we forget we promote it through social media facebook and instagram our website. for our services hold check blood sugar, blood pressure check and affordable prices in the community. after all that is done we held a grand opening in Indonesia held on January 1, 2017 at 10:00 am at the grand opening of pharmacies paguwarmas we invite ties of members of the Indonesian pharmacists, members of Indonesian medical association, president of the republic of Indonesia Ir. Jokowi Dodo, the health minister Indonesian republic, the head of health throughout Indonesia, and university students of medicine and pharmacy throughout Indonesia

  9. kiki: assalamualaikum
    saskia, sicham; Waalaikumsalam
    kiki: today what we discussed
    sicham: Plans for the largest pharmacy in Indonesia but I'm still confused about the name made us pharmacy
    saskia: what if we love the name PAGWARMAS!
    kiki: paguwarmas, nice name, before we make our pharmacy, I have a job for you, saskia observation in eastern Java and promotions while sicham record capital budget and care for the manufacture of our pharmacy
    saskia sicham: Okay

    3 months later

    saskia: from the observation that I have observed the ideal place for establishing our pharmacy is located in Surabaya, because in addition to the big city where he is also strategic because it is close to clinics and hospitals
    kiki: good riddance if sicham how
    sicham: for about budget and capital to build our pharmacies we need a budget of Rp. 70 million to make the building and purchase supplies pharmacies
    kiki: Well, less one that is a service to our pharmacy services that check blood sugar, blood pressure check, and reasonably priced for the Indonesian community pharmacies in addition we work together with PT. Pharos & kimia farma to provide quality drugs to the public
    sicham, saskia: Well then thank you for your cooperation
    kiki: thank you also for your cooperation
