Jumat, 09 Maret 2012


by: Aan Subekti P, S.Pd
A.  Background of the study
English is an international language. Probably more than any other language in the world, English is used in international relations, business, politics, education, tourism, science, and technology. It is a language used globally for practically every major aspect of our lives.
There are at least several reasons why many people choose to study English: (1) to prepare for English proficiency examinations for a job or school, (2) to obtain a career that may require a high level of English proficiency, and (3) to travel or study abroad.
English is also an important factor in the Nurse Academic development. There are many English nursery books the students should read to develop their skill. To comprehend those English books they must have good English ability. Moreover, there are many nurse terminologies in English and those terminologies are very important in nursery program.
Basically, in studying English, a student needs to master four language skills: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Reading and writing are important skills that should be mastered by Nursery students. By mastering those kinds of English skill, the students can get much information which can support their study.
Generally, the Nursery students should read Nursery books which are written in English. The books usually use English in conveying the material. The student will confuse to understand the book if they have low ability in English. There are many English nurse term which contain in the book. It causes students bored to read the book. Only some of them who can catch the aim of the book because they have a good characteristic learners such us cleaver and diligent.

There are many factors which influence the students’ English ability in writing and reading such as motivation, environment and aptitude. An aptitude is a combination of acquire some characteristics indicative of an individual’s capacity to acquire some specific knowledge, skill or set of organized responses such as the ability to become an artist or to be a mechanic. Aptitude is the natural or in-born ability to learn. In fact, it concerns the cognitive abilities that underlie successful learning.
An aptitude can be knows through an aptitude test. Aptitude test is designed to uncover the learning performance in a specific area called the Scholastic Aptitude Test and is used in the work field, Vocational Aptitude Test and the Interest Inventory. Examples of the Scholastic Aptitude Test is a test of academic potential (TPA) and the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). While examples of professional aptitude test or interest inventory is a Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) and the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey profile.
The writer will use Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) arranged by G.Bannet, H.G. Seashore and A.G. Wesman from USA. Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) is a famous aptitude series test in education. The theory used Primary Mental Ability (PMA) verbal comprehension and word fluency arranged by Thustone. DAT test series designed primarily for educational guidance on the level of freshmen students.
Generally, each student is a unique. Each student has different aptitude: a low-medium or high. The differences of the students' ability to absorb the lessons also varied depending on the ability of students. An aptitude will affect the ability of students in learning English. The students who have high aptitude in English language will be able to absorb learning English quickly. If a student has a medium aptitude he/she would be in receipt of ordinary English language material. However, a student who does not have the aptitude in the English language will have difficulty in absorbing the subject matter.
Based on the explanation the writers will analyze the influence of aptitude in the English language, especially in reading and writing skills. He will conduct a research entitled “The Influence Of Students’ Aptitude Towards Their Reading And Writing Ability Of AKPER Seruling Mas Cilacap Of The Second Semester In The Academic Year 2011/2012”.
B.  Identification of the problems
From the background above that there are many factors that influencing reading and writing ability, but the most important factors that influenced reading and writing ability is about an aptitude.
Aptitude is inferred for relative levels of achievement. If individuals given comparable opportunities to acquire a skill differ in the case of acquiring it or in the level of proficiency attained, then it is inferred that differ in their aptitude for a particular work. Aptitude is more or less specific. An individual may have a high degree of aptitude for one line of work and not for certain others.
Student aptitude can be seen from the result of aptitude test. From the result test we can see aptitude test. The students who have language aptitude will influence an English reading and writing skill. They can learn easy in English learning process and finally get good mark. But, the student who don’t have aptitude they will be difficult to receive language.

C.  Limitation of the problem
Basically, in Nursing Academy should has good reading ability and also writing ability in English. The teacher must teach reading and writing as soon as possible because it is useful to develop their knowledge. To make a teacher easy in teaching must know the student aptitude. The teacher must increase different method during they know the student aptitude in teaching learning process. By knowing student aptitude a teacher should change the material depend on the variety student aptitude majority.
Reading and writing are importance skill ability in Nursing Academy. So, a teacher must know the students’ reading and writing ability. The problems rise up from the student’s aptitude influenced towards their reading and writing ability of Akper Seruling Mas Cilacap of the second semester.  

D.  Formulation of the problem
Based limitation above, the writer formulated problem are as follow:
1.      How is the student aptitude of the second semester of AKPER Seruling Mas Cilacap?
2.      Is there any positive influence of the student aptitude toward reading and writing ability of the second semester of AKPER Seruling Mas Cilacap?
3.      How much is the influence of the student aptitude toward reading and writing ability of the second semester of AKPER Seruling Mas Cilacap?

E.  Objective of the study
Based on the formulation above, the objectives of the study are:
1.      To know the student aptitude toward toward reading and writing ability of the second semester of AKPER Seruling Mas Cilacap
2.      To find out whether or not there is positive influence of the student aptitude toward reading and writing ability of the second semester of AKPER Seruling Mas Cilacap.
3.      To know how far the student aptitude toward reading and writing ability of the second semester of AKPER Seruling Mas Cilacap.

F.   Significance of the study
The finding of the study hopefully will be useful:
1.      For the English teacher
To support the teacher to improve their knowledge about aptitude, reading and writing to develop their teaching skill. So they can help and increase the student’s ability in reading and writing ability in the classroom.
2.      For student
To give more information about the influence of aptitude toward reading and writing ability, so, the student can develop their reading and writing. Hopefully, the students get new knowledge about student aptitude.
3.      For the researcher
Hopefully, the result of this study will increase the researcher’s knowledge and experience in developing the English mastery, especially to increase the reading and writing ability.

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