Senin, 12 Desember 2011

The most characteristic feature of ESP course design

ESP is very relevance object to learn, some of the importance factors is ; Language description, Theories of learning, and ESP analysis needed. The three component is important to discuss. Each of them is affinity to study, so I will try to describes all of it.
There are three lessons to be learn from this survey and they must be borne in mind when we draw conclusions regarding relevance to ESP course design :
1.       There are no single source from which a language course can, or should, derive it’s linguistic input. The various developments which we have described are not separate entities. Each stage has reacted to, and drawn inspiration from, those preceding it. A functional description does not simply that are structural description is wrong, simply that it is not sufficient as an explanation of language is like. The ESP teacher needs to recognize that the various approaches are different ways of looking at the same thing. All communication has structural level, a functional level and discoursal level. They are not mutually exclusive, but complementary, and each may have it’s place in the ESP course.
2.       Describing s language for the purpose of linguistic does not necessarily carry any implications for language learning. The purposes of the linguist and of the language teacher are not the same.

The most important developments in approaches to learning an considered their relevance to ESP. in conclusion should make two points :
1.       We still do not know very much about learning. It is important, therefore, not to base any approach too narrowly on one theory. As with the language descriptions, it is wise to take an electric approach, taking what is useful from each theory and trusting also in the evidences of your experience as a teacher. It is probable that there are cognitive, effective and behaviorist aspects to learning and each can be behaviorist approach to the ESP practitioner. For example, you may choose a behaviorist approach to the teaching pronunciation, a cognitive approach to the teaching and use effective criteria in selecting yours texts.
2.       Theories of learning and language descriptions are not causally linked.

The most characteristic feature of ESP course design – need analysis.
-          We have tried to show that it is a complex process, involving much more than simply looking at what the learners will have to do in target situation. Most of all, we have tried to stress that both target situation needs and learning needs must be taken in to account. Analysis of target situation needs is concerned with language use. But language use is only part of the story. We also need to now about language learning. Analysis of the target situation can tell as what people do with language. What we also need to know is how people learn to do what they do with language. We need, In other words, a learning – centred approach to need analysis.

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