Kamis, 15 Desember 2011


The problems of ESP project in Indonesia, rise on some object, such as; the problem which come from the students (learners), Teachers, Facilities and materials, and Language politic.     
        It is widely known that English is the key to the international currencies of technology and commerce. It created a new generation of learners who knew specifically why they learn a language. To fulfill this purpose the ESP project is creatively designed as courses arranged to fulfill learner’s need.
        On its development, the world keep on changes and it also occurs on the needs of English learners. It’s why ESP project putting less emphasis on the product (the right answer of the problem) but more on the process, approach, method and theory of getting the right answer of the problem. ESP project has also the emphasis on creating effective and efficient English teaching and learning process to fulfill particular needs of learners. For example: businessmen and women who wanted to sell their products, mechanics who had to read instruction manuals, doctors who needed to keep up with the development of the field and a great number of students whose course of study included textbooks, E-books and journals only available in English. All these and many others needed English and the most important; they knew why they needed it.
Indonesia as one of the world’s citizen had also been developing ESP project in vocational schools, academies and universities. In its development there is a mismatch between the ideal and the existing reality. At least there are four problems emerge on recent development: the problem of learners, teachers, facilities-materials and national language politics.

1. The problem of students
        Even though it is taken for granted that English is the no.1 international language of technology and commerce there are many students in Indonesia who don’t really aware and knew specifically why they learn English. They don’t know why they should study it. This fact can be easily found if we teach in vocational schools and non-English department like Medical, Engineering, Law, Economics, Geographic department etc.
Knowing this fact, it should be understood that language learners are people. Even ESP learners are people. They may be learning about machines and systems, but they still learn as human beings. Learning, particularly the learning of a language, is an emotional experience. The enthusiastic feeling that emerges in the learning process will have important role on the success and failure of learning. In my opinion, it is the great duty and responsibility of lecturers and teachers to motivate students by creating the atmosphere and environment that enable students to learn English in comfortable and enjoyable situation. He or she can use quantum teaching and learning, active learning, communicative teaching or whatever method that can accelerate and electrify students specially, the passive students to have more enthusiasm of learning. Albert Einstein, the famous scientist had ever said that he never taught his students, he had just created good atmosphere that enabled his student eager to learn.

2. The problem of teacher
        The development of linguistics and psychology have reached their latest advance progress, the development f ELT greatly influenced by both disciplines. Therefore, there is no static condition in English language teaching. One finding of research stated that the language we speak and write varies considerably in a number of different ways, from one context to another. This gives rise to the view that as the simple instance that there are important differences between English of commerce and that of Engineering. This is one example of English course for specific group of learners.
As the language used by specific group of learners varies considerably, the teacher of ESP should pace up the latest approach, theory and knowledge of ESP and in Indonesia we found that there is a problem of lack of training and workshop of ESP for teachers and lecturers. We also have the other problem of the little interest of SMU graduate’s students for choosing “Tarbiyah” or FKIP department as their choice they take in the university. Most smart and intelligence students would prefer to choose medical or engineering department instead of choosing FKIP department. It is a sign that the quality of existing teacher is not the best quality we have. If the condition is so poor how can improve ESP project in our schools and universities?

3. The problem of facilities and materials
         One of the sign of great country is a country which its people give high appreciation and value on the importance and vitality of developing education. In developed countries, the problem of education is not only the duty of teacher but also the community’s responsibility. Like in Japan where there is an active discussion of teachers-parents committee discussing the development and progress of each student. They also think about what facilities and materials needed so that students get more comfortable and enjoyable atmosphere of learning. Knowing this one, what about the facilities and materials of ESP in our school and campus? Is it comfortable and enjoyable enough?

4. The problem of language politics
         Our government still considers English is not a language that appropriate to be used in schools and universities. As it has already known that in Indonesia English is not our second language. English is still regarded as foreign language (“bahasa asing”). Since our government regards it as “foreign” (‘asing”) our feeling and attitude toward this language also feel “foreign” (‘asing”). Comparing to other countries like Malaysia or Singapore, they use English as their second language. Therefore almost 95 -90 of its students can speak English well. Knowing this, how about our Indonesian students?

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