Rabu, 24 November 2010

Literature understanding

Literature is an actualization from mind and shape of script. Open your mind by literature"
By : Aan Bob Uyee
1.      Many people do not have good attitude towards literature. One of your friends also said that not easy to understand literature. Further, he said that to understand literature needs strong energy. So, what should you do in overcoming this problem. And what should you do to improve your ability in understanding literature.
Answer : 
Understanding literature is difficult because literature is universal language contain life and habit each people and reflected a social circle. To understanding literature need strong energy compare a many aspect in around literature to understand. Many people think that literature only for a people who can understand much about language as attendant. Without a good language we can understand much about literature because it’s an implement to know a literature. Many strong energy to understand it, as; rich in language skill, knowledge, religion, social, culture, art and education, literature is conclude about it. If we can understand about it we can improve our understanding literature.
To improve ability in understanding literature we can read many literary works book. Studying a social human being and analyzed about the attitude an expression of the life. We can learner more using language from archaic until now and compare about transformation in each stage. There are alteration inside the treatment of transformation language without obey the origin made. Required understanding much to understand literature, we must observant about correlation in daily life and attitude using language expression.
2.      Based on Modern Literary theory (p.42), Roland Barthes said:
One of the teachings of contemporary linguistics is that there is no archaic language, or at the very least that there is no connection between simplicity and the age of a language: ancient language can be just as complete and as complex as recent language; there is no progressive of history languages. Therefore when we try to find certain fundamental categories of language in modern writing, we are not claiming to reveal a certain archaism of the psyche: we are not saying that the writer is returning to the origin of language, but that language is the origin for him.

A second principle, particularly important in regard to literature, is that language can not be considered as a simple instrument, whether utilitarian or decorative, of thought. Man does not exist prior to language, either as a species or as an individual. We never find a state where men is separated from language, which he then creates in order to express what is taking place within him; it is language which teaches the definition of man, not the reserves.

Give your comment and opinion about the above statement!
Answer :
Literature is an actualization from mind and shape of script. Inscription is a media to show though language, language which presented in written shape.  Because of it between literature and languge is a couple which can be reserved. Therefore when we try to find certain fundamental categories of language in modern writing, we are not claiming to reveal a certain archaism of the psyche: we are not saying that the writer is returning to the origin of language, but that language is the origin for him Modern Literary theory (p.42). Language came from the origin user in literary so, the man which creates a literary work is an ordinary for him. The main set in modern literary reflected to the act at present condition. The correlation between modern and ancient literary can be separated. There many author of literature combine between it. They use a modern progressive to improve a literary work but not released with archaic.    

3.      There are two characteristics of good literary works. They are: to educate and to amuse. Beside that people read literary works with different motivations. According to your understanding, what is meant the above statement.
It’s mean that literary works can make an emotion for the reader. Many literary works explain education aspect. We can find a literary works education in a school or university library. It’s literary work use for educated. Inside educate there are a muse aspect. The reader feel enjoy when they read a literary works which show/explain an amusement. The reader feel come in the story and follow the plot of it. The reader will quest if there are  characters like him or looking for the some happen with him life and correlated with the literary work. Pedagogic will appear of the literary work and the reader feel enjoyable to dig the aim oh the literary works.

4.      Based on modern literary theory (p.55) and the other books about literature and literary theory.

“Ideology is a Representation of the imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence”.

In order to approach the central thesis on the structure and functioning of ideology, please try to present two theses, one negative, the other positive. The first concerns the object which is represented in the imaginary form of ideology, the second concerns the materiality of ideology. 
Positive thesis
The first concerns of the object which is represented in the imaginary from ideology conclude all subject in literary. Literary is a mirrors images which come from the literary works and all around the author. The author represents the work correlation in the real conditions of existence. The function of ideology will be reflected to the literary work because the extrinsic and intrinsic of literary work dig with an author ideology. So, the influence author ideology is very affect to their literary works. Imaginary of author will represented to real condition in him literary. We can look at the degrees of literary modern theory. Many literary works contain about the real condition at the time, usually the theme come from modern problem solving.
Negative thesis
The second concern of materiality ideology is consideration ideologist move by material construction. It’s mean that literary only act if they have a materiality. At present, literary need a good property to suppose literary well but not every property can be rise by materiality. The materiality ideology can exchange by materiality of love, feel, understanding and human relation. In negative affect many literary works explain the materiality is important to improve our skill. Including of that statement there are many materiality literature media can be risk to the reader. Internet is some of good materiality and in ideology of literature media is some of good property to improve skill of literary works but can be risk to the children and user who can’t have a responsibility.
According to me a materiality ideology must be consist by love and feel.

5.      Pickering (1981:3) said that literature allows us the chance to overcome the limitation imposed by sex, age, social, and economic condition, and the times in which we live.
Further, he (1981:1) said that (1). Literature can be defined as a body of writing which aims to be creative. As a creation, literature is a uniquely human activity, born of man’s timeless desire to understand, and finally share experiences. The medium of which is language, the written and spoken word. (2). Literature may provide a good deal of information and offers the reader’s knowledge and (3). Literature in such way serves as a social document, gives us insight into laws, costumes, institution, attitudes and values of the era in which it is written or it is set.

There are many literary expression ; Pickering (1981:3) said that literature allows us the chance to overcome the limitation imposed by sex, age, social, and economic condition, and the times in which we live. Pickering is true, sex, age social, and economic condition reflected to the author emotion. The emotion will be represented to the literary work. If the sex, social, economic condition is well so the author have imaginary write using pedagogic implementation. Better than Further (1981:1) he represent a creative experience and knowledge influence. Both of it can be build a good literary works. They have experience and knowledge to result the problem their have. After getting the result from knowledge and experience make a social document.
I will give insight into laws, costumes, institution, attitudes and values of the era in which it is written or it is set.
At modern situation literature more easy to understand because there are many media to communicate. Literature in law, the correlation is both of them consisted ambiguity and ambivalence. The judge use a literature language to describe a case. It’s an attitude to care the audience negative conception. The value
The value of literature, religion, and philosophy is dependant on not only social and temporal contexts but also the state of the other two components. All three ideas act as courses to examining what is all humanity is all about. But, without any one of them, there would be a missing puzzle piece in figuring out the nature of humanity. I content that the relative value of literature, attitude, region and philosophy is in the interconnection of all there in figuring out the self, meaning and virtue.
Literature provides a metaphorical analysis of value and meaning. Alasdair MacIntyre discusses the value of Jane Austen’s work in evaluating virtue in society. MacIntyre seemed to feel that Austen was a final outcry for the virtue of past. Austen discussed the value of “constancy,” which fit in well with Homeric virtue. Thus, literature is seen as a form of value guide to be interpreted by the public. In the era of globalization is deferent with the last era. The problem more complex , so the people more diligent to increase literature correlation about condition of existence.

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